The Back Pack
Used Textbooks & Homeschool Curriculum


Customized Homeschool Curriculum Packages

Full year, Grades K-12
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Our online store accepts Paypal. If you wish to pay by credit card, debit card, check or money order, please call 888 268 5087 (9-5 ET).

Each Customized Homeschool Curriculum Package is designed to meet your child's individual needs and your budget.
• We provide traditional textbooks
(not common core). 

• Book choices and subjects vary. It's up to you! 

 • Teacher Editions or Keys are provided.

• You may substitute any subject with the elective of your choice!

• Free Teacher Planner and two free electives (student text) included with each package!

» Scroll down to view subjects included in each package.

The average price of a complete homeschool curriculum package (for any grade) including student textbooks and teacher materials is $300 to $575 for a full year's curriculum. Pricing is determined by grade, number of subjects, copyright dates and extra workbooks, tests etc. Your price is up to you! 

If you cannot afford to purchase a curriculum package in it's entirety, please call to discuss other options. 888 268 5087

You can also purchase a customized curriculum package without teacher editions for $150.

Before calling us, please read more to answer the most frequently asked questions. 

In a hurry?  We usually ship within 2 business days! With 30 years experience and an A+ rating at the Better Business Bureau, you can expect expert advice and unsurpassed personal service. 
Have questions?  Call 888 268 5087 (9-5 ET)

Secular Homeschool Curriculum Packages
Buy Now!

We specialize in Secular Homeschool Curriculum Packages, however we can include religious materials upon request. Let us help!  We know textbooks! We can help you save you time and money by recommending used materials from secular publishers while personally developing your secular homeschool curriculum. Remember, your price is up to you!

We also offer  
Pre-Packaged Homeschool Curriculum Kits. Buy Now! 


The Back Pack

Grade Subjects included in each
Curriculum Package


 History/Social Studies
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)
Grade 1
 English Grammar/Composition
 History/Social Studies
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)
Grade 2
 English Grammar/Composition
 History/Social Studies
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)
Grade 3
 History/Social Studies
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)
Grade 4
 English Grammar/Composition
 History/Social Studies
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)
Grade 5
 History/Social Studies
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)
Grade 6
 English Grammar/Composition
 History/Social Studies
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 electives (student texts0
Grade 7
 English Grammar/Composition
 History, Social Studies,
 Geography, Government etc.
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)
Grade 8
 English Grammar/Composition
 History, Social Studies,
 Geography, Government etc.
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)
Grade 9
 English Grammar/Composition
 History, Social Studies,
 Geography, Government etc.
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)
Grade 10
 English Grammar/Composition
 History, Social Studies,
 Geography, Government etc.
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)
Grade 11
 English Grammar/Composition
 History, Social Studies,
 Geography, Government etc.
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)
Grade 12
 English Grammar/Composition
 History, Social Studies,
 Geography, Government etc.
 Free - Teacher Planner & 2 Electives (student texts)

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The Back Pack
Phone/Fax   (252) 244-0728
9-5 ET   Monday - Friday